ST. LUCIA - Around the Island
Our sail from Bequia to St. Vincent was pleasant enough but
from the coast of St. Vincent, current, wind and waves made
for a wet and very uncomfortable sail. We were happy to
finally reach the sheltered shores of St. Lucia, the largest
island of the Windwards. We approached the lush mountainous
outline on the horizon which revealed sparkling white
beaches below steep slopes as we got closer. |
The Pitons were cloaked in clouds but it
was hard to ignore their sheer physical beauty and the lure
of stopping to anchor in Soufriere. But we did not have
clearance papers yet, so continued on to Marigot Bay.
We had
heard so much about the beauty of Marigot Bay that we
decided to make it our landfall for checking into St. Lucia.
After a tour around the inner bar it was evident that there
was not room to anchor as mooring balls take up all the
space. |
We attempted to anchor in the channel outside the bay
which shallows very quickly and also crowded with boats. But
the holding was bad, silt on rock, so we had to succumbed to
the boat boys insistence to rent a mooring ball. |
The officials were friendly
and it was an easy check-in after we parted with about $50
in fees. St Lucia is English speaking (although I have yet
to understand the lingo when the locals talk with one
The protected bay was packed with charter boats in a truly
gorgeous setting, a little sandy spit covered with towering
palms, closing the bay almost completely off from the sea.
There are waterfront restaurants and shops, all expensive.
April 13, 2010
We had a wonderful sail from Marigot Bay to Rodney Bay. We
sailed right into the protected mile long inlet, past Pigeon
Island where a few boats were anchored adjacent the Sandals
We chose to anchor off Reduit Beach filled with tourists
activities, hotels, restaurants and lounge chairs. The
holding was excellent, the water was fairly flat and best of
all, we had good free wifi!
Rodney Bay is an ideal place to hang out. Gregory, comes by
daily in his colorful flagged boat, to offer fresh produce.
Sparkle Laundry picks up and delivers your laundry. A nearby
grocery store is a dinghy ride away accessed from inside the
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Touring the Island
Since St. Lucia is such a
picturesque island, we hired a taxi-van and took a tour.
Chris the local taxi driver organized a driver and guide for
around $80 for 4 hours. We drove down the west coast
to the Pitons.
The island is only 14 miles wide and 27 miles long but the
twisty roads through the canopy of green terrain make
for slow driving. As we passed villages tucked away in the
hillsides, we came upon a soloist pan player who entertained
us by the side of the road. |
was our first stop and the driver let us out in the center
of town to walk around the busy run down streets, sticky hot
and minus any asthetics.
(pictured above right) |
We stopped at Soufriere to admire
the towering Pitons rising like a tooth from the sea. The
small sprawling town that lies beneath the pillars had charm
and a spirit unmatched by the touristy Rodney Bay area.
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We had lunch in an
enduring local working class cafe, made memorable by our
companions that knew the owners and revealed the character
of the seaside community.
Our driver and guide
were fun loving and full of enthusiasm for their country. I
took a photo of the "Orio cookie" (right).
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Sulphur Springs
The volcanic nature
of St. Lucia is evident when
seeing the drive-by stinky rotten egg aroma boiling mud. A
scene straight from hell with barren, brightly colored
earth, steam spewing from the rocks. |
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A few
days later we found it necessary to go back to Canada and
help my parents move. So we moved the boat into the marina
and tied to well maintained and modern docks that offered
huge slips, very sheltered from any impending storms.
We spent several months in Canada and enjoyed reunions with
family and friends.
Since our return to the marina, we have gotten complacent.
We had planned to spend the hurricane season in Grenada or
Trinidad, but this marina proved so convenient and as good a
place as any to spend the summer. Wifi, services, beautiful
It is unbearable hot though. Torrential downpours every
couple of hours turns the boat into a sauna. It would be
good to have air conditioning here. And it seems that the
bugs use our boat to take shelter from the rain faster than
we can get the hatches closed.
There are a few good restaurants in the marina complex, too
expensive for us. But we have found that the local bakery
offers wonderful Chicken Rotis for about $5 each, a huge
meal that lasts us the day.
I have been enjoying my walks through the ramshackle fishing
village of Gros Islet where the heart of the St Lucia's
culture beats, brimming with character and an insight into
the community life of the island; rastas, expats and
Hanging Out
August 8,
We have been hidden away on the boat, pretty much addicted to the internet albeit slow and sketchy sometimes.
We just haven't had the luxury of constant internet for so long! I am learning about code and analytics for my
website, things I have always been interested in. The internet is a wonderful
source and some days I feel like I should be back in school--there is so much to
Gord is writing some articles, and has sold a few to 'Cruising World' and 'Blue
Water' magazines.....and playing the guitar.
Communicating with
We take so much for granted having the internet as a form of communication.
Sometimes I have to stand back in wonder about how far technology as come. I
know, I'm sounding like my Grampa talked to me about the
telephone! One of our cruising friends from the South Pacific days posted a
photo on Facebook. The photo was of a group of us on the beach in the Tuamotos.
Within hours, everyone in the photo had responded and we were all communicating
with each other, sending messages back and forth, reminiscing about the old days
and how we missed each other. Now understand that there were 14 people, many
that have returned to the land life in various places all over the US, some
still on their boat--one in Hawaii, a couple in Tonga, a couple in Africa, a
couple in Israel, us here in the Caribbean, PRETTY UNBELIEVABLE that we could
all get together for a reunion on Facebook like that!
It's still hot and muggy in St. Lucia, or pouring down torrential rain, so we seldom
leave the boat. Tans are gone and I am getting FAT! The bottom of the boat
is a barnacle-city living on a green carpet. But we are happy with our confinement
for the time being.
August 21
Here come the Storms
season is upon us and we are watching a developing tropical storm. Not much of a
threat at present but we are keeping our fingers crossed. Very hot
and muggy, the air is so still in the marina--not a breath of breeze. Gord was outside for an hour cleaning the bottom of the dinghy
and got the worse sunburn he has ever had! Blisters and all. Hard to believe
when we have spent so many years in the tropics.
Over the past several weeks, a few hurricane have skirted us and now Hurricane EARL will
be near Guadelope on Tuesday. A little close for comfort but
hopefully we will not be too affected. Another system is forming near Cape
Verdes. It is that time of the year!
August 30
Danielle passed us by and sucked all the air away. It's so hot.
Today the
skies are black, rain and thunder all around. 200 miles away, St. Martin was hit
and boats were sunk and destroyed. Another system is forming on the heals of the
last hurricane with a 30% chance of it becoming a hurricane headed our way.
Race Around the Island
for Beer
Last weekend there was a Round the Island Race. The boat docked next to us left
for the startline and never returned. The 50 foot sailboat caught fire and sunk! The French
owners onboard escaped with only the swim suits they were wearing. Lost
The winners of the race were awarded 40 cases of beer so initiated a dock party to share
the bounty. We finally met some people which was a nice change.
September 9
Norm falls from the Sky
A distraught
message from brother Bruce. My oldest brother, Norm crashed his small plane and
was in the hospital. He had surgery on his elbow and knee but the major concern
is his heel.
The miracle
of his survival made the headlines in numerous Toronto newspapers.
Photos of a twisted pile of unrecognizable wreckage made us
thank God he was able to crawl away from the horrendous
crash. We watched an interview on YouTube from Norm's bedside. Norm's
heel is so badly crushed they are having a hard time finding a doctor who is
willing to operate.
September 12
Kicked out of the
An innocent
discussion revealed that we might have a huge problem with our visa. When we
returned from Canada, we assumed that we had been given the same 6-month visa
that we got when we sailed to St. Lucia originally. I had even checked with the
customs officer in the marina and he assured me that, being on a boat, we were
allowed to stay 6 months.
But unbeknown
to us, the fact that we arrived by plane makes a difference. Our passport was
only good for 42 days but no one told us that. We were now well over the 42 days
and contemplated whether we should quietly check out and sail to Martinique and
return to check back in to St. Lucia, or come clean and explain our situation in
hope of leniency. Our honesty prevailed and we went to plea our case with the
custom's officer in the marina. They were not sympathetic. Rules are rules. We
had to immediately go to Castries and pay a fine and extend our Visas.
So we bussed
it the hour to Castries that day, only to discover that the officer in Visa
renewal only worked morning and "Come back tomorrow." Castries is not much of a
destination so we were not impelled to spend time wandering around. It is busy
and without charm. Many parts of the city are very dangerous. So back on the
We repeated
the trip the following day and this time were able to fill out all the paperwork
and leave our passports for visa extension. We had overstayed our visas by 2
months and 4 days so we were charged a penalty of 3 months each, amounting to $
800EC. To make matters worse, we still had to leave the country within 2 weeks!
September 15
Another trip
to Castries to retrieve our passports held for a King's ransom. We needed to head out into the bay and spend a couple of days scrubbing
forest of growth off the bottom of the boat so we could actually move through the water.
But the weather was wicked. Too rolly in the anchorage to get in the water and
scrub the boat. We procrastinated, hoping the weather would improve.
Back in St. Lucia
September 27
After our unceremonious retreat from St. Lucia, we are back in the marina. Glad
to have squeezed through two storms, our timing was perfect and we had a good sail and even caught a fish, a
Wahoo, our favorite. We were finally able to phone Norm who had his surgery postponed
once again. It has been a complete battle for Norm and Marianne dealing with the
bureaucracy of the medical system.
Today the
skies are black, rain and thunder all around. 200 miles away, St. Martin was hit
and boats were sunk and destroyed. Another system is forming on the heals of the
last hurricane with a 30% chance of it becoming a hurricane headed our way.
 OctoberFest in St. Lucia
We hopped on a bus with our boat
neighbors, Jim and Christine from the U.K. to attend
OctoberFest in St. Lucia. It seemed so incongruous but there
would be local entertainment and food stalls so we thought
it might be fun. We only hoped the rain would let up by the
time we got to Castries.
But no. The rain came down in buckets.
Everyone at the concert was huddled under umbrellas...not
exactly festive! The rain continued to pound down the entire
time we were there. The boys had a few beers as we tried for
conversation over the pounding rain and blaring music.
Finally we retreated back tot the boat to dry out.
Thinking Outside the Box
We have been
spending our days finally getting to all the maintenance and repair jobs we have
been putting off for so long. There is a pretty well stocked chandlery in the
marina but that doesn't always mean things are easy to get. Here is Gord's
"So I decided to break down and buy a new binnacle compass 301 US.
Went to the
Chandlery here and picked out a black one with a black card in it. The clerk
took it off the display as it was the only one they had. When I went to
pay, he couldn't sell it to me. I said "Why?" He responded, "He didn't have
the box;" I said, "I don't want the box."
After 20 minutes of searching, we found an empty box from an identical
unit buy with a white with a red card--everything else inside the box was
identical. I said "Use that box who cares!" He says "No, the colour is
wrong." I said, "Do you have a second white and red compass?" He said "No." I said,
"Gee do you think that maybe somebody bought a red and white one and put it in
the black box?" He said "Probably." So I said, "So the white and red guy
has the black box that I need, and you have a spare red and white box. Looks to
me like your f&^*%d. Maybe you should have your manager order some new empty
cardboard boxes so you can do business!" I left the store, sans compass!
Third World or (developing) countries
are still developing for a good reason! Freakin' Stupid!
October 29
Storm a comin'!
Don't think we will be lucky enough to miss this weather system coming our way with a vengeance.
High winds are expected tomorrow, and the tropical depression is forming
fast -- we are right on its path. The first time people are saying that we may
get a hurricane! Everyone is on the docks scrambling with lines and fenders. We
have all the ropes onboard strung around pilings. If it looks like we may be hit, we
will take all the canvas off. Its good that we are here to prepare.
Here's the
official version:
location) TOMAS IS
175 MILES...280 KM.
October 30
With18 lines
tied off the boat to secure us to docks that are fairly new and strong and well spaced,
we felt fairly secure.
In addition, we are surrounded by hills that cut down the effects of the wind.
Around noon on October 30, the downpour started. The rain was so heavy, all
visibility was lost. Over the next few hours the wind built as Hurricane Tomas
approached St. Lucia. The conditions became fairly intense with the deafening howling winds and blinding
driving rain that nearly drove us bonkers with the noise inside the cabin. By
nightfall we were getting very strong gusts causing a few foresails
to unroll on other boats....thunderous flapping and cracking of the sails as
they were shredded and destroyed in minutes. It was a tenuous night, adjusting
lines and being blown around, despite our spider web of lines to the dock.
By morning
Hurricane Tomas had finished its assault, passing 10 miles north of St. Lucia,
leaving in its wake roofs torn off buildings, a century old church toppled,
roads blocked with fallen trees and the island completely shut down with no
power. Many small open power boats in the marina sunk, but generally not much
damage here....and
none to us. We were lucky as Hurricane Tomas was still a child when it reached
us. Now it continues to grow in velocity and veracity and is expected to reach
category 3 or 4 in a few days.
Castries / Gros Islet Highway is impassable!
October 31
We are listening today about all the damage
that the 100 mph winds did to St. Lucia. Churches, schools,
hospitals and over 500 homes destroyed. 14 dead and many still missing. Electricity and communication is
totally out on the south end of the island. Trees are down everywhere, roads are
washed out, bridges are now just gaping holes in the road. The airports are
closed, you can't drive to them anyway. Stores will remain closed for some time.
Worst part is that the entire island will be without water because the reservoir
was polluted and the pumping station is buried under a mudslide.
This is the news
story for October 31:
Damage to St. Lucia After Tomas
"The highway bridges mash up; by Choc, San Soucis, the little bridges by
Union Gap, Bois D'Orange just before Sunbilt collapsed. So they are
asking people to stay off the roads so Lucelec (electricity services)
can work. Gros Islet is cool from Bois D'Orange up. Just no electricity
and water. Night time the place black out."
"The Prime Minister is back on the island, returning from
Barbados. He says tomorrow is a holiday. Since it will be a
public holiday, banks will be closed. Since there is no
electricity, ATMs are not working, with banks being
closed. Banks, at least have generators. St.Lucians are unable
to get cash for another day. With no cash in hand, people
cannot buy gas, food, water. There has been no sign of road
repair crews. Cable & Wireless is down and not working. Digicel
is working. Helen FM is back on the air. Landlines are working
but cell phones are now going dead and can't be charged due to
no electricity. Other radio stations are down, including Radio
Saint Lucia which was the only station on air during most part
of the hurricane yesterday. The government prior to this
hurricane did not warn St.Lucians about the severity of Tomas,
or to prepare by getting food, cash, gas. Generally people were
told there would be a lot of rain."
November 1
Here in the marina, everything is relatively back to normal,
except no water. Locals were busy
retrieving sunk boats from the bottom off the bay and the docks were crammed
with looky-loos. We have power although the surrounding communities do
not. The rain is more sporadic now. The huge
bill fishing tournament was postponed and the mega sport fishing
yachts in the marina are trying to make the best of it by partying on the docks. More
activity than we have seen all year!
November 2
Still no phones, power or communication services
to the northern parts of the island. The Red Cross is making a plea for help
to get drinking water to the communities that are shut off by washed out roads.
Rooms in many hotels are waste deep in mud so they are evacuating the tourists.
We have no water at the dock and there is none to be had in any of the stores. The water in the bay is a slimy cesspool as a
result of the heavy rain (8 inches in one hour!) so there will be no using the watermaker.
We are out of food on the boat and the supermarkets are cut off from supplies so
they remain closed. Its canned goods for us these days, nothing fresh and no
meat. We certainly can't complain as many have lost their homes. It seems that
there is always someone worse off.
November 25
I am keeping busy writing and
being lethargic in the heat. The temperatures are finally getting cooer at
night. The buzz around the marina is in anticipation for the ARC boats that are
headed to St. Lucia. Over 200 boats are expected to arrive over the next few
As a result, we are preparing to
haul out, get the bottom paint on the boat, splash back into the water and be
GONE. With any luck, we will be heading north soon. Back to the
cruising life...finally!
December 1 We headed
over to the boatyard to haul Ascension out of the water. Our
scheduled time was 9 am but some setbacks ( they had to
refuel the travel lift, then no driver, then coffee break,
then....) We spend several hours just fending off from the
wall, waiting for our turn. Finally the straps were in place
and the travel lift was moving Ascension to her work area.
The deal was suppose to include a pressure wash, but we were
informed that due to the water shortage, a couple of
guys were sent over with buckets and a scrub brush to wash
down the hull! Needless to say, with all the barnacles and
growth we had accumulated, the hull didn't look much
different when they finished. We knew we would have a huge
job ahead of us!
The boat yard was very hot
and a venture into the cabin would result in hundreds of bug
bites in a matter of seconds. We were covered with blue from
scraping the hull so we opted to rent a room across the
street. It was pure luxury to be able to shower after a hard
day's work.
It took us over a week to
scrape, sand, paint the bottom and buff the hull. After
disputing some creative billing, Ascension, shiny and
bright, was splashed back into the water.
We headed for the anchorage
to clean up and prepare for our sail to
Martinique. |