As the bursts
hit, Ascension would heal over
causing the fenders on the windward side to
pop out of the water and settle on the deck.
It was a full time job just keeping the
fenders between the boats. Several fenders
floated by as a result of people tying them
to lifelines that broke.
was actually tied to one of the more
protected areas of the dock and we did not
experience as much turbulence from the seas
as many of the other boats moored on the
outer docks.
Winds were
strong throughout the day, reportedly
reaching gusts of 78 knots but, as with most
squash zones, the sky was a bright blue. The
sound of the wind howling through all the
rigging of 1000+ boats was deafening, like
standing beside a jet engine.
At 9 am an
unfortunate incident took place. At the road in
front of Yacht Marina, a huge wave, like a
tsunami that sent security guards running,
crashed over the breakwall and through the large
windows of the restaurant, filling the area with
water and debris all the way to the bar!
Electronics were destroyed, but worse, a woman
working in the restaurant was washed out with
the sea. She was taken to the hospital, minor
injuries but very traumatized!
Once the boats were
secure, people ventured out to check the damage.
The waves crashing
over the road past the marina were spectacular,
albeit a dangerous spot to be as chunks of wall,
the bus stop and other debris were flying thru
the air. The huge heavy statue of Ataturk,
standing at the Marina entrance was Gone!!!
The marina entrance
was entirely covered with boulders, debris,
seaweek and gravel under a foot of water all the
way to the travel lift. The road in front of the
marina was impassable so no Dolmus will be
running today.