Lycian Coast Turkey




                               LYCIAN COAST part 2 - TURKEY

May 29

Olu Deniz Beach

20 Kms south of Fethiye is the famous beach of Olu Deniz, with its adjacent lagoon. We did not stop here but took some great photos from the highway that ran above the bay.

As our coastal drive continued the scenery became spectacular. The road skirted the tops of sheer rocky dropoffs, with the deep blue Mediterranean water shimmering below. Lots of secluded tucked away anchorages in deeply cut gorges.

Around knuckle-whitening corners, the road twisted along the rocky coastline looking out toward the open ocean.


We say a number of tortoises along the roadside and stopped to move a slowpoke that was being threatened to get squashed by a passing car.  

The drive along the next section of the Lycian coast was dramatic, with pine trees speckling the rugged shoreline. The winding narrow road dropped straight down to the sea



Kalkan has only been inhabited since the 1950 when Malaria-bearing mosquitoes were eradicated. The once Ottoman Greek fishing village, Kalkan is now devoted to tourism.

The streets were picturesque with bougainvillea draped balconies and the
typical Med style white stucco buildings.

We wandered the grid of narrow cobblestone streets sloping down toward the beautiful beach and Marina in search of our lunchtime Durum, but we found the prices to be higher than anywhere we had been.

The streets of Kalkan are teeming with colorful shops - carpet sellers, souvenirs and other trinkets. Just off the main streets, simple multi level dwellings border tight alleyways.


As we drove out of town we had a gorgeous glimpse of the town of Kalkan


7 km east of Kalkan  was a striking mountain gorge crossed by a small highway bridge. Below was a perfect little sandy beach accessed by a long flight of stairs

More Tortoise sightings! This fellow was really big and hissed at me when I went to pick him up. A Turtle with Attitude!


The seaside town of Kas is an enchanting place to visit. Surrounded by high mountains, the harbor area is filled with an array of restaurants, shops and pensiyons.

The local bays are small pebbly beaches and in close proximity to the Greek island of Kastellorizo offshore.


An imposing Lycian sarcophagi is right in the middle of the road as the town of Kas was built around many of these tombs. It dates back to to 450 BC belonging to the Roman age. These sarcophagi usually consist of three parts: a base, a grave-chamber and a crested 'Gothic' (pointed) lid. 


We strolled the hilly cobblestone streets with bougainvillea and oleander trailing from the balconies.

Kas provided us with our daily Duran before starting the long drive back to Marmaris.

We hung out in Marmaris again until June 1 when it was time to head to Bodrum, where Chris would be catching a connecting plane to Istanbul and back to Canada.