all Need More Preaching
Back at the boats, we needed to seek permission to anchor in the bay and
were invited ashore to meet the owner of the little farm. Ezekiel, a
real character, met us on shore and at first we were not sure what to
make of him. He was yelling at us in mostly Pig English that was hard to
understand but we soon figured out that that was the way he just talked.
He led us to his farm and showed us the church he was building. Turns
out he is a Presbyterian Minister and we were promptly commandeered into
a little building for singing and prayer to assure our safe journey. His
wife joined in and we were encouraged to sing also. His enormous
enthusiasm and seriousness made us force ourselves to refrain from
bursts of laughter! |  |
Afterward his wife offered us lemonade and we looked through their photo
album and met the other members of the family. We had a great visit, all
the while the women were on the floor preparing huge packages of fruit
and vegetables for us to take back to the boats.
We could hardly carry
back all the gifts they gave us.... coconut, papaya, cucumber, cabbage,
limes, peppers, tomatoes, pamplemous (grapefruit), green onions, bok
choy, and a huge stalk of bananas!
