LOS FRAILES, Baja

December 8, 2003

ginny-at-helmn.jpg (38551 bytes)We had a great beam reach sail with Anjuli, (pictured here) Reaction and Ascension basically sailing the same speed the whole way. As we approached Los Frailes, huge manta rays were jumping high out of the water. We also saw the fin of a swordfish and were hoping that it didn't hit our fishing lure. 

Matarua was already in the anchorage, which was so rough that they were hobby horsing uncomfortably.  We decided to check out another anchorage further north and motored around a large outcrop of rocks, residence of a large number of rays bouncing out of the water, flipping and splashing.



The anchorage was very picturesque. White sandy beaches and a green backdrop were such a pleasant change from the stark lunar landscape of the Pacific side of the Baja.

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Unfortunately the wind shifted and waves built until we decided to pull anchor at 3 am and head back to Los Frailes. After managing to untangle the anchor chain from a chunk of coral on the bottom, we returned to Los Frailes where the conditions were calm and settled and we were able to get some sleep.


December 9, 2003

The following morning, the wind was howling and Matarua pulled anchor to continue on to La Paz. It wasn't long before they returned as conditions were not fun out there. 20+ knots of wind on the nose. So we all decided to wait here and visit the shore.


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It was a fairly easy landing through the surf and we walked down the sandy beach past a local fishing camp. There were a number of RV's parked on the beach and we met 2 couples from Summerland who were holidaying there.

turkey-vultures.jpg (19070 bytes)We found a restaurant at a gorgeous little hotel and joined Dan & Tammy for a cold drink. Dale and I had the best tasting Margaritas but they were so potent that it was hard to walk back to the dinghies. We felt like the turkey vultures circling overhead were just waiting for us to falter.

The following day was still windy and Gord and Gary tried to see what fish they might catch along the rocks. They came back empty handed so it's chili for lunch.

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December 11

We hoisted the sails and set our course for La Paz. The weather was perfect with a gentle breeze and a small swell. That night, the stars were amazing, magnified in numbers by their reflection in the black ocean. The boat left a shimmering trail of iridescent fairy dust as the bioluminescence in the water made the night truly magical.